Results for 'Asunción Herrera Guevara'

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  1.  17
    El biomejoramiento moral y su relación con la ética y la justicia.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2022 - Isegoría 67:14-14.
    En este artículo intentaré mostrar el discurso moralista empleado por Persson y Savulescu en su obra _¿Preparados para el futuro? La necesidad del mejoramiento moral_. La primera parte del trabajo expondrá la necesidad de demarcar claramente las cuestiones de justicia de la idea de bien, considerando que esta es una distinción central para el filósofo moral y el bioeticista. Intentaré responder a una cuestión: en la actualidad, ¿el filósofo moral emplea un discurso moralista? En la segunda parte del artículo, relacionaré (...)
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    ¿Justicia en la tierra y para la tierra?Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    La metodología empleada en este trabajo, con el fin de argumentar mi propuesta, será un análisis hermenéutico de conceptos filosóficos y de alguna obra literaria. Mi propuesta intentará mostrar la necesidad de un nuevo concepto de justicia. El concepto tradicional de justicia en las sociedades occidentales es antropocéntrico y, por tanto, ha excluido a la naturaleza y a los animales no humanos. En la primera parte del artículo, mostraré, desde la deliberación ética, la necesidad de un concepto diferente de justicia (...)
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    Justicia para con los animales.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2012 - Dilemata 9:83-87.
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  4. Kierkegaard y Adorno, dos pensadores atribulados hoy.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (172):511-528.
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  5. " La revolución filosófica de Martin Heidegger", de Modesto Berciano Villalibre.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):159-161.
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  6. A connection between cognitive ethics and existentialist thinking: The necessary revitalization of emotions.Asuncion Herrera Guevara - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (258):103-114.
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    El derecho de gentes frente a la globalización.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2012 - Isegoría 46:265-277.
    Durante la mayor parte de su historia, el Derecho Internacional ha estado centrado en el Estado-nación. En el momento presente no podemos pensar la política internacional sin un nivel de actuación postnacional. La globalización exige este nuevo nivel. En este artículo, me detendré especialmente en el modelo del filósofo John Rawls. La posición que defiendo es que la propuesta de Rawls es insuficiente. Mostraré cómo la oposición de Rawls al cosmopolitismo y su negativa a unir el derecho de gentes a (...)
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    Gadamer, ¿pensador atribulado o esteta apolítico?Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):405.
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    Justicia internacional e inmigración, necesidad de constelar diferentes principios normativos.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 73:79.
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    Propuesta de un éthos filosófico ante una Modernidad Glocal.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2017 - Isegoría 57:553-570.
    Este artículo pretende mostrar la necesidad de pensar un concepto de justicia global que vaya más allá de los paradigmas tradicionales de la filosofía. Si queremos una justicia global que incluya a cada sí mismo, es necesario repensar la perspectiva tradicional que domina la discusión sobre derecho internacional. Necesitamos una reflexión crítica sobre la modernidad y la globalización actual. Esta crítica permitirá proponer una nueva Ilustración donde lo global pueda vincularse con el cosmopolitismo y el universalismo moral. El reto será (...)
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    The controversial role of religion in current German philosophy.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46:39.
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    Reseña bibliográfica: Asunción Herrera Guevara, La conspiración de la ignorancia. Una reflexión sobre el progreso y sus paradojas. Granada: Comares, 2018, pags. 96. ISBN: 978-84-9045-642-2. [REVIEW]Marta Postigo - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (2).
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  13. La historia perdida de Kierkegaard y Adorno, de Asunción Herrera Guevara.Mariano C. Melero de la Torre - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):141-144.
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  14. " La ética en la espiral de la modernidad", de Asunción Herrera Guevara.Inmaculada Pérez López - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):231-234.
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    Herrera Guevara, Asunción (2018). La conspiración de la ignorancia: Una reflexión sobre el progreso y sus paradojas.Iván Teimil García - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 63:143.
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  16. La creencia en Kierkegaard, Johannes de Silentio y Anti-Climacus Asunción Herrera Guevara.Johannes de Silentio Y. Anti-Climacus - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-3):101-114.
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    Bioética postsecular e interespecífica: ciencia, ética y cultura en el siglo XXI.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2020 - Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo.
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  18. De animales y hombres.A. Herrera Guevara - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica.
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    Ilustrados o bárbaros: una explicación del deficit democrático y eticomoral.Asunción Herrera Guevara - 2014 - Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    La clara oscuridad de Kierkegaard para el pensamiento moderno.Asunción Herrera - 2014 - Quaderns de Filosofia 1 (2):35-53.
    The main target of this paper will be to demonstrate why the Philosophy of Sören Kierkegaard is necessary nowadays. To this end, this paper will be structu- red in four parts. Firstly, I will explain the peculiar characteristics of Kierkegaard. It is essential to explain why Kierkegaard is a troubled, postmetaphysical and religious thinker. Secondly, I will dwell on how to read Kierkegaard concentrating on the role that pseudonimy and indirect communication play in his work. Thirdly, I will analyse the (...)
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  21.  20
    Collaborative professional teaching culture. Analytical category.Yamirka García Pérez, José Ignacio Herrera Rodríguez, María de los Ángeles García Valero & Geycell Emma Guevara Fernández - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):474-485.
    Fundamentación: el desarrollo de la cultura profesional docente colaborativo se sustenta en los postulados vigotskianos, donde se concibe al profesor como un sujeto comprometido con las demandas y exigencias de la sociedad. Objetivo: socializar las categorías de análisis que se deben tener en cuenta en un colectivo docente para el desarrollo de una cultura profesional colaborativa en el proceso de formación del profesional de la educación superior. Método: se realizó un estudio etnográfico en la Universidad José Martí Pérez, de Sancti (...)
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  22.  12
    Miren Junkal GUEVARA, Aproximación a la historia de los orígenes de Israel. Notas de la presentación de un estado de la cuestión (Monografías bíblicas 80), Estella, Verbo Divino, 2021, 256 pp., 26 €. ISBN: 978-84-9073-739-2. [REVIEW]Pablo Díez Herrera - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (1):191-192.
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  23.  13
    Las objeciones de Gassendi a las Meditaciones metafísicas de Descartes en su contexto filosófico.Samuel Herrera-Balboa - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):369-390.
    Resumen En general la disputa entre Gassendi y Descartes ha sido tratada desde el punto de vista cartesiano y, en ese contexto, nuestro artículo se centra en la filosofía de Gassendi. Buscamos un modo para entender la lógica o la estrategia de las objeciones gassendianas, tratando de mostrar los supuestos filosóficos que operan bajo las críticas a Descartes. Junto con ello, mostraremos parte de la recepción contemporánea de la polémica y explicaremos los tópicos más problemáticos adoptados por Gassendi relativos al (...)
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  24.  36
    Why Theory?Oscar Martín & Simone Pinet - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Theory?Oscar Martín (bio) and Simone Pinet (bio)Theory is, of course, a medieval word, brought from Greek into Latin from a common root (theastai) that also gives us theater, linked through shared meanings related to speculation, contemplation, and so forth. It is used in the Bible, and its English modern use, according to the Oxford english dictionary, probably comes from a medieval Latin translation of Aristotle. The dictionary does (...)
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  25.  24
    Kant's Theory Of Moral Motivation.Daniel Guevara - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book offers an account of Kant's theory of moral motivation that comprehends the most challenging and controversial aspects of Kant's theory of the will and human moral motivational psychology. It argues for a new approach to the question about the purity of the Kantian moral motive.
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  26. Music Communicates Affects, Not Basic Emotions – A Constructionist Account of Attribution of Emotional Meanings to Music.Julian Cespedes-Guevara & Tuomas Eerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326516.
    Basic Emotion theory has had a tremendous influence on the affective sciences, including music psychology, where most researchers have assumed that music expressivity is constrained to a limited set of basic emotions. Several scholars suggested that these constrains to musical expressivity are explained by the existence of a shared acoustic code to the expression of emotions in music and speech prosody. In this article we advocate for a shift from this focus on basic emotions to a constructionist account. This approach (...)
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    The Impossibility of Supererogation in Kant’s Moral Theory.Daniel Guevara - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):593-624.
    It is common to think that certain acts are supererogatory, especially certain heroic or saintly self-sacrifices for the good. The idea seems to have an ordinary and clear application. Nothing shows this better than the well-known cases which J. O. Urmson adduced. Urmson argued that no major moral theory could give a proper account of the supererogatory character of such acts, and that therefore none could account for “all the facts of morality,” as he put it. But his arguments were (...)
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  28. Rebutting formally valid counterexamples to the Humean “is-ought” dictum.Daniel Guevara - 2008 - Synthese 164 (1):45-60.
    Various formally valid counterexamples have been adduced against the Humean dictum that one cannot derive an “ought” from an “is.” There are formal rebuttals—some very sophisticated now (e.g., Charles R. Pigden’s and Gerhard Schurz’s)—to such counterexamples. But what follows is an intuitive and informal argument against them. I maintain that it is better than these sophisticated formal defenses of the Humean dictum and that it also helps us see why it implausible to think that we can be as decisive about (...)
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    Are Words Easier to Learn From Infant‐ Than Adult‐Directed Speech? A Quantitative Corpus‐Based Investigation.Adriana Guevara-Rukoz, Alejandrina Cristia, Bogdan Ludusan, Roland Thiollière, Andrew Martin, Reiko Mazuka & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1586-1617.
    We investigate whether infant‐directed speech (IDS) could facilitate word form learning when compared to adult‐directed speech (ADS). To study this, we examine the distribution of word forms at two levels, acoustic and phonological, using a large database of spontaneous speech in Japanese. At the acoustic level we show that, as has been documented before for phonemes, the realizations of words are more variable and less discriminable inIDSthan inADS. At the phonological level, we find an effect in the opposite direction: TheIDSlexicon (...)
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  30.  14
    Radical challenges for development ethics in the anthropocene: transformational pathways from the standpoint of future generations.Asuncion Lera St Clair - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (2):147-150.
    The field of development ethics has evolved over the years to incorporate topics that have become of the utmost importance in achieving fair and sustainable development for all. This is not the place to review such a conceptual evolution from the origins of Denis Goulet’s writings, but I wish to note how the saliency of development ethics is highly dependent on speaking to and relating with issues of central importance to global society. In this brief piece I want to focus (...)
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  31.  19
    Intelligent models for movement detection and physical evolution of patients with hip surgery.César Guevara & Matilde Santos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper develops computational models to monitor patients with hip replacement surgery. The Kinect camera is used to capture the movements of patients who are performing rehabilitation exercises with both lower limbs, specifically, ‘side step’ and ‘knee lift’ with each leg. The information is measured at 25 body points with their respective coordinates. Features selection algorithms are applied to the 75 attributes of the initial and final position vector of each rehab exercise. Different classification techniques have been tested and Bayesian (...)
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  32.  17
    The Predictive Value of Tagalog Voice Morphology in Filler-Gap Dependency Formation.Jed Sam Pizarro-Guevara & Matthew Wagers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ordered completion for logic programs with aggregates.Vernon Asuncion, Yin Chen, Yan Zhang & Yi Zhou - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 224 (C):72-102.
  34. Las estrofas del Sāmkhya de Ishvarakrishna Presentación y traducción por José León Herrera.José León Herrera - 2012 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 24 (2):387-402.
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    On euthanasia: Exploring psychological meaning and attitudes in a Sample of mexican physicians and medical students.Asunción Álvarez Del Río & Ma Luisa Marván - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (3):146-153.
    Euthanasia has become the subject of ethical and political debate in many countries including Mexico. Since many physicians are deeply concerned about euthanasia, due to their crucial participation in its decision and implementation, it is important to know the psychological meaning that the term ‘euthanasia’ has for them, as well as their attitudes toward this practice. This study explores psychological meaning and attitudes toward euthanasia in 546 Mexican subjects, either medical students or physicians, who were divided into three groups: a) (...)
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    New frontiers in the future of palliative care: real-world bioethical dilemmas and axiology of clinical practice.Uría Guevara-López, Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante & Carlos Viesca-Treviño - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):11.
    In our time there is growing interest in developing a systematic approach to oncologic patients and end-of-life care. An important goal within this domain is to identify the values and ethical norms that guide physicians’ decisions and their recourse to technological aids to preserve life. Though crucial, this objective is not easy to achieve.
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    Weak referentiality.Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Bert Le Bruyn & Joost Zwarts (eds.) - 2014 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume brings together studies in the domain of weak referentiality, the phenomenon that a definite or indefinite noun phrase lacks its usual referential force. Several papers investigate syntactic or semantic properties of indefinite noun phrases, such as modality, number neutrality, narrow scope, incorporation, predication, and case marking, and that in a range of languages (Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, German, Papiamentu, Russian). Other papers deal with weakly referential definite noun phrases in various languages (Basque, Dutch, English, French) involving scrambling, modification, (...)
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  38.  27
    Fear of Violence among Colombian Women Is Associated with Reduced Preferences for High-BMI Men.Martha Lucia Borras-Guevara, Carlota Batres & David I. Perrett - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):341-369.
    Recent studies reveal that violence significantly contributes to explaining individual’s facial preferences. Women who feel at higher risk of violence prefer less-masculine male faces. Given the importance of violence, we explore its influence on people’s preferences for a different physical trait. Masculinity correlates positively with male strength and weight or body mass index. In fact, masculinity and BMI tend to load on the same component of trait perception. Therefore we predicted that individuals’ perceptions of danger from violence will relate to (...)
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    Musical Emotions Emerge from the Interaction of Factors in the Music, the Person, and the Context.J. Cespedes-Guevara - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):229-231.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Body Awareness to Recognize Feelings: The Exploration of a Musical Emotional Experience” by Alejandra Vásquez-Rosati. Upshot: A complete account of musical emotions implies examining how factors in the music, the situation, and the person interact, producing objective and subjective changes on affective, bodily and cognitive levels simultaneously. Therefore, a first-person phenomenological method can only provide a limited understanding of these experiences.
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    The Role of Intuition in Some Ethically Hard Cases.Daniel Guevara - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (1):149-167.
    Among the hardest cases in the ethics of killing are those in which one innocent person poses a lethal threat to another. I argue in favour of the intuition that lethal self-defence is permissible in these cases, despite the difficulties that some philosophers (e.g., Otsuka and McMahan) have raised about it. Philosophers writing in this area—including those sympathetic to the intuition (e.g. Thomson and Kamm)—have downplayed or ignored an essential and authoritative role for intuition per se (as against discursive general (...)
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  41.  6
    El sexo de la ciencia.Pacheco Ladrón de Guevara & C. Lourdes - 2010 - México D.F.: Juan Pablos Editor.
  42.  10
    La fe, la esperanza y la caridad: comentarios teológicos salmantinos (1569-1572).Juan de Guevara - 2009 - Guadarrama, Madrid: Editorial Agustiniana. Edited by Ignacio Jericó Bermejo.
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    Afinidad entre semejantes: sentido y proyección de una paroimía homérica (od. 17.218).María Estela Guevara de Alvarez - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:59-75.
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    Antropología y modernidad: la memoria del olvido.Ximena Agudo Guevara - 1999 - Caracas, Venezuela: Fondo Editorial de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
  45.  12
    Credo: teaching and sharing.Pacita Guevara-Fernandez - 1985 - Quezon City, Philippines: Distributed outside the Philippines by the University of Hawaii Press.
  46.  26
    (1 other version)De madre a hija: juegos de hilo y memoria(s) del paisaje mapucheFrom mother to daughter: String figures and memory(ies) of the Mapuche landscape.Ana Guevara - 2011 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 1 (1).
  47. Estructuras de argumentos.Gabriela Guevara - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 239--242.
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  48. El estudio científico de la inteligencia: acotaciones filosóficas.Francisco H. Rivero Guevara - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (2):173-178.
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  49. El Enfoque Paisajístico en la Conservación: Rediseñando las Reservas para la Protección de la Diversidad Biológica y Cultural en América Latina.Sergio Guevara & Javier Laborde - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (4):33-44.
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    El Magisterio de Francisco sobre la mujer Continuidad, novedad y desafío.Miren Junkal Guevara - 2020 - Teología y Vida 61 (4):473-496.
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